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White Brick Wall

 Affordable and Convenient Functional Medicine from the Comfort of Your Home

No Insurance Hassles
No Hidden Fees
No Headaches
- BUT if one of your health challenges is headaches then of course we will do our best to get to the root cause!

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Doctor after doctor, blood test after blood test, just to be told “you’re fine”, “here take this pill” or “it’s all in your head”. Take a deep breath and welcome to Wellness Advantage+, your Virtual Functional Medicine Clinic. Let us help you uncover the root cause(s) of your health condition(s).

White Brick Wall
Illinois and Florida - UNited States of America

What is Functional Medicine?

The simple answer:

Functional Medicine is a medical approach focused on cultivating health by identifying and addressing the underlying cause(s) of poor health.


Functional Medicine recognizes the interconnectedness of all bodily systems, acknowledging that a comprehensive evaluation of the patient as a whole leads to a more profound understanding and alleviation of their current conditions.

White Brick Wall

Our Approach

Our approach is different. We aim to comprehend precisely what is transpiring within your body rather than merely masking symptoms. Our healthcare approach is apolitical, nonjudgmental, unemotional, pro science and pro immune system. While we don't view conventional medicine as the sole solution, we deeply value and respect its contributions. We provide an alternative that you might not have been aware of before.


​We don’t adhere to standardized programs or protocols. Every patient is treated as a unique individual. Our commitment is to unravel the 'how' and 'why' specific to your needs. Our objective is to facilitate your journey towards improved health, well-being, and an enhanced quality of life.

Functional Medicine - What to expect
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We want to hear your story. During your initial 50-minute consultation, we undertake what we like to call a “fun interrogation”. What is your story? The more we know, the better we can help you – symptoms, medical history, family medical history, medications, lifestyle, and so much more. No more fluff, its time to get to the root cause. 


We Listen to You - We Believe You

We Give 110% to You and Expect You To Give 110% to Yourself​

Because each person is unique, we design custom care plans that focus on the individual. After your initial intake, we almost always start with comprehensive laboratory testing with the option for more specialty testing if you and your provider see fit. After the testing is completed, the results are discussed with you so that way you known exactly what is going on. Our physicians use these test results, in addition to your history, to prescribe a treatment plan that may consist of supplements, homeopathy, diet and lifestyle modifications. Comprehensive laboratory testing, and specialty testing is re-ran every 3 to 12 months depending on what markers are being monitored.

Functional Medicine Testing

"Test, Don't Guess"

A proper diagnosis is critical to finding the right treatment.

Functional Medicine Labratory Testing
White Brick Wall
White Brick Wall

Conditions We Manage

Functional Medicine - Allergies


Functional Medicine - Autoimmune


Functional Medicine - Brain Health

Brain Health

Stomach Ache - Functional Medicine - Gut Health

Gut Health

Functional Medicine - Mental Health - Depression - Anxiety

Mental Health

Functional Medicine - Mystery Symptoms

Mystery Symptoms

Functional Medicine - Reproductive Health

Reproductive Health

Wheat Field - Functional Medicine - Thyroid Health

Thyroid Health

Berries - Functional Medicine - Wellness Care

Wellness Care

White Brick Wall


Updated Price List #2.png

Pricing is for consult only.
Labs and products are additional. Prices vary.

White Brick Wall

Laboratory Testing

Laboratory Bundle Pic.png

Essential Testing

  • The Basics + Nutrition + Metabolic

  • The Basics + Nutrition

  • The Basics + Metabolic

Specialty Testing

  • The Basics + Thyroid + Hormone

  • GI360 Stool Test + Celiac + Gluten

  • Amino Acids + Heavy Metals

  • Stress + Melatonin

  • The Basics + 96 Food Panel IgG + Vitamin D

  • The Basics + 144 Food Panel IgG + Vitamin D

  • Viral Panel 1

  • Viral Panel 2

Genetic Testing

  • Methylation Panel

Laboratory pricing varies and can change on a daily basis.

3 Pillars of Health - Structre - Function - Mental / Emotional

"Thinking of health as a singular variable has always been and will always be incorrect. Systems biology and viewing the person as a whole is the future."

Experiencing persistent or unexplained symptoms that impact your capacity to live a fulfilling life can be troubling.

Enough is enough.

White Brick Wall


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Wellness Advantage+ Functional Medicine

Wellness Advantage Plus PLLC

Naperville, IL USA

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